
Water Rate Structure Designed by Citizens

* In his article of Aug. 15 (Valley Commentary) Leon Furgatch would have us believe that the current water rate structure of the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power was contrived by the former mayor and his Board of Water and Power commissioners to boost revenues from the Valley through higher water bills.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

The current rate structure was designed by a citizens “blue ribbon committee,” which explored various rate structures and evaluated impacts before developing their proposal. Numerous public hearings were held on the proposal. Following council hearings, which included extensive discussions on Valley concerns, the lower block rate was set at 200% of the city median use to assure equity to all.

However, Furgatch did offer a good idea in suggesting that some customers would benefit from monthly billing. Management soon will be recommending to the board that monthly billing be provided as an option of paying bills. If approved, customers who feel that monthly billing would help their budgetary situation would be able to take advantage of this option.



Los Angeles

Waters is general manager and chief engineer of the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.
