
Top Air Pollution Penalties

The South Coast Air Quality Management District has responsibility to control air pollution. It can seek court-imposed fines against polluters of $25 to $25,000 a day based on such factors as the extent that emissions exceed legal limits, potential danger to the public, whether the violation was intentional, accidental or caused by negligence and the company’s history of violations. These are the 10 top penalties in May: *COMPANY: Crown Beverage Packaging Co., Van Nuys TYPE OF BUSINESS: Aluminum can maker PENALTY: $20,000 VIOLATION: Excessive nitrogen dioxide emissions. *COMPANY: Milestone Energy Corp., Studio City TYPE OF BUSINESS: Recycling plant PENALTY: $10,000 VIOLATION: Public nuisance violation from odors, fugitive dust emissions from depositing dirt on a roadway. The firm will also spend another $10,000 to improve its property and reduce or eliminate complaints of odors and fugitive dust originating from the site. *COMPANY: Pacific Energy Resources, Long Beach TYPE OF BUSINESS: Crude oil production facility PENALTY: $5,000 VIOLATION: Venting reactive organic compounds into the air, contrary to permit conditions. *COMPANY: Santa Margarita Water District, Mission Viejo TYPE OF BUSINESS: Sewage treatment plant PENALTY: $5,000 VIOLATION: Public nuisance violation from odors, excessive reactive organic compound emissions. *COMPANY: Viam Manufacturing, Santa Fe Springs TYPE OF BUSINESS: Car floor mats maker PENALTY: $5,000 VIOLATION: Failure to submit an updated AQMD-approved ride-sharing plan on time, failure to carry out or monitor its incentive program. *COMPANY: Alta Dena Certified Dairy, Industry TYPE OF BUSINESS: Dairy products maker PENALTY: $4,000 VIOLATION: Excessive nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide emissions. *COMPANY: Southern Pacific Transportation Co., Bloomington TYPE OF BUSINESS: Railroad PENALTY: $3,000 VIOLATION: Excessive black smoke from a diesel locomotive in January. *COMPANY: Southern Pacific Transportation Co., Bloomington TYPE OF BUSINESS: Railroad PENALTY: $3,000 VIOLATION: Excessive black smoke from a diesel locomotive in February. *COMPANY: Southern Pacific Transportation Co., Bloomington TYPE OF BUSINESS: Railroad PENALTY: $3,000 VIOLATION: Excessive black smoke from a diesel locomotive April 5. *COMPANY: Southern Pacific Transportation Co., Bloomington TYPE OF BUSINESS: Railroad PENALTY: $3,000 VIOLATION: Excessive black smoke from a diesel locomotive April 12.
