
Key Players in the Disney Expansion : Julie Wright

As large-scale projects go, few in the nation can top the Disneyland Resort. As a result, it is getting plenty of attention from state trade chief Julie Wright.

Wright created one of her “red teams” to help cut red tape and put together a government support package. A red team--she borrowed the term from the aerospace industry, where she used to work in public relations--is an interdepartmental group that is assigned to solve specific tasks.

In Disney’s case, that meant writing a proposal to help the proposed resort come up with transportation and financing plans. Along with state Department of Transportation and Orange County Transportation Authority leaders, she lobbied in Washington for funds.


Wright has had success with the Clinton Administration in pressing for aid to California because the President has said that the nation’s economy cannot recover unless California’s does. The Disneyland Resort also benefited from the Wright team’s argument that nowhere else in the country would there be an opportunity to create 28,000 jobs.

Wright is Gov. Pete Wilson’s point woman on anything that might create jobs in the state. She also oversees state tourism efforts. She calls the Disneyland Resort a catalyst for bringing visitors back to Southern California.
