

David Tobenkin; Special to The Times

Hawaii Project: Birtcher Construction of Laguna Niguel is finding the business climate balmy in Hawaii.

The general contractor and construction management company has recently teamed with Honolulu’s Kikai Construction to build Ke Kumu at Waikoloa, a $3.28-million low-income apartment complex on the island of Hawaii. These two-bedroom, two-bath apartments will be 750 square feet each.

This is Birtcher’s fifth contract in Hawaii since entering the market 18 months ago.

“Hawaii has been very, very profitable for us,” said Andrew L. Youngquist, president and chief executive of Birtcher Construction.


Other Birtcher projects include Waikele Center, a $20-million, 376,000-square-foot shopping center and Waikele Golf Clubhouse, a $4.8-million, 22,500-square-foot golf clubhouse, both on Oahu; the Bluffs at Mauna Kea, an $80-million, 44-unit luxury resort condominium complex in Honolulu, and 60,000 square feet of office improvements to Alii Place for the city and county of Honolulu.

Ke Kumu, developed by Tokyo-based Nansay Hawaii Inc., is scheduled for completion in January.
