
Joseph Alexander has been elected commander of...

Joseph Alexander has been elected commander of General William Stark Rosecrans Post 3261, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. Other officers elected to serve with Alexander are Robert I. Johnson, Alvin F. Fowler, Howard N. Light, James E. Skelly, William Nilges, Mike E. Taylor Jr. and Patrick S. Narey. Post members meet at 8 p.m. the second Friday of each month at 1822 W. 162nd St., Gardena.


The Westchester Vitalization Corp. has elected new officers. They are Robert Smith, president, Adelle Wexler, vice president, Richard Musella, secretary, and Terry Marcellus, treasurer. The Vitalization organization was established in 1980 under special charter by the mayor of Los Angeles and has been Westchester’s watchdog organization for responsible and well-planned development. The group meets the fourth Monday of each month in the Westchester Community Room, 7166 W. Manchester Ave., Westchester. Information: (310) 215-3636.
