
Scarf-Wearers Can Tuck the Tag or Leave It Out for a Little Light Reading


Rag the tag: If you’re a woman, there’s a good chance you have a beautiful scarf in your possession and you probably know at least three great ways to tie it. But once you have it arranged just right, you face a sticky question: What about the label? Is it left out for the world to see, or does it get discretely folded under or cut out?

“Do what makes you feel comfortable,” says Joey Sims of Chez Joey in Laguna Niguel. “Some people want the world to see a label like Chanel, and they’ll fold the scarf so the label shows. I think it’s a little more discreet to have it folded under.”

Leaving a label out could backfire by drawing attention away from the scarf and toward your attempts to be a status climber. If you’re unsure, go halfway by tucking the label under a little, allowing some of it to show, then get ready for people to crane their necks trying to see who designed your scarf.


If you’re one of the lucky ones with a scarf personally signed by the designer, go ahead and show it off.

To the point: It happens to every guy at some point who wears tie tacks. He knots his favorite silk tie, inserts the sharp tack three-quarters of the way down, and goes off to work. Over time, however, sticking that tack in the same place has worn an area of the tie, making it look torn and tattered.

“This isn’t a sign of a cheap tie; all ties go through this when you wear a tie tack,” says clothing designer Brian Mayne of Mission Viejo. “It’s especially bad when you insert the tack in a number of places on the tie.”


To prevent tie deterioration, insert the point into the same hole each time. If you’re too worried about damaging your tie with a tack, you can wear a tie bar, but be aware that bars are on the downside of popularity.

Hair-um-scarum: Don’t deny it; at some point in your life you’ve pulled out the scissors and taken a whack at your bangs or the flip of hair on your neck. And in all likelihood, you hated the result and experienced the horror of the homemade haircut.

What makes a reasonably sane person mutilate his hairstyle? “Most people come in and say ‘I just tried to even out my bangs, and look what happened,’ “says Susan Benedict of Hair Art in Newport Beach. “You can’t give yourself a decent haircut because you don’t have perspective, even with a mirror.”


People who cut their own hair usually end up with locks that are too short. Even if tempted, don’t do it yourself. You could end up spending more on a repair job, or wasting a few months of hating the mirror while it grows out.
