
Lawyers Trying to Push U.S. Into Third World

Thank you for “Taking On the Legal Battles of Those in Need” (April 12). It is rare that a liberal publication so forthrightly profiles those who are working to fragment our society with the unabashed goal of converting us into a Third World nation.

This frightening piece is a portrait of do-gooders out of control, of power-crazed leftist lawyers pursuing a politically correct agenda.

Irma Rodriguez promotes pure socialism. (“We want to develop an equitable distribution of resources.”) Luke Williams happily meddles in U.S. foreign policy. Theodore Wang, pursuing a favorite liberal goal, empowerment for criminals, works to register convicts to vote. And Ken Zimmerman promotes homeless rights through legal coercion.


It is sad that foundations that begin with good intentions--like the Skaddon Fellows--seem always to be co-opted by those on the left with a pernicious political agenda.


