
GOP Must Define Its Basic Essence, Offer Clear Vision of Future

EDITOR’S NOTE: On Feb. 28, Orange County Voices carried columns on the future of the Republican Party from two thoughtful Orange County writers representing conservative and moderate viewpoints.

At that time we offered this page as a forum and invited readers to join the debate by submitting their views on the future of the GOP and what its themes, appeals and programs should be.

The comments published here are a representative sample of the responses received.

Forum Contained Worthwhile Message: ‘Ignore Labels’

I initially found it hard to understand why the Times printed the article by Brian O’Leary Bennett, “Losing Graciously Helps to Redefine, Realign Party.” All it seemed to say was: “OK. Listen up, conservatives! We are still strong, despite the issues we are determined to use to divide the country! Surveys prove it! And all you moderates: your contrary label is OK for now, but be a conservative again and, believe me, we will triumph!” I thought I was scanning the sports section.


Then, fortunately, I saw that this was a forum and read Robert Nelson’s article. A clear and worthwhile message: Ignore labels. But his tone turned somber as it became apparent that he could not ignore the labels “Republican” and “Democrat.”

I am not affiliated with a political party, but your forum has so far supported my idea that most “Republicans” seem to be either 1) jocks determined to play hardball with everyone, especially those who don’t want to engage in competitive sports, or 2) hypocrites.


