
Furor Over Gays in Military

In response to “Sissy Warriors vs. Real Men,” Commentary, Jan. 29:

Richard Rodriguez hit the nail right on the head. I am an attorney specializing in lesbian/gay rights. The overwhelming majority of military discharge cases involve lesbians, both statistically and in our law office. Yet, all of the controversy on gays in the military has been focused on gay men.

One of the roots of homophobia is machismo and its collision with male/male sexuality. Lesbian love scenes are often portrayed beautifully in movies. Heterosexual male fantasies center on two women with one man. Most women in America are not threatened by homosexuality. But when the discussion focuses on male/male sexuality--heterosexual preachers and politicians explode.

In our experience as gay rights attorneys, lesbians and gay men suffer from the oppression of our current cultural mores. However, the more extreme forms of discrimination, the more violent beatings and the harsher slurs are directed at gay men by heterosexual men.


As the gay and lesbian community struggles for its civil rights--equal employment, housing, public accommodations and the right to die in service to your country--we proudly wear the banner of American patriots by demanding tolerance, pluralism and the separation of church and state.


West Hollywood
