
Controversy Over Alcohol Outlets

Finally, The Times sweeps the “alcohol” issue (Dec. 14-15) out from under the rug, though there is still far too much pussy-footing about what is dirt and what is not. Anheuser Busch officials are, as usual, full of forked doublespeak. And why be fearful of offending the sensibilities of the liquor merchants? If they aren’t aware by now of the societal consequences of alcohol, then they are morons and deserve compassion perhaps, but not respect. As one merchant rationalizes, “I am not causing problems here, I am giving the people what they want.” California jails are full of drug dealers who espouse the same philosophy.

Again, as in any “enlightened” discussion of alcohol, there are the usual oblique references to the “failure” of Prohibition. Perhaps The Times could address the incorrectness of that myth; research the good that was accomplished during Prohibition’s brief, prematurely terminated, duration.

Also, can a connection be made between the story on alcohol and the report in the same issue (Dec. 15) of the “Violence at Riot Flash Point”? Exactly what kind of bottles were thrown at the start of the disturbance?



Lake Forest
