
Approval Process for Fox Studios Expansion

I am a neighbor of Fox Studios and a supporter of the Fox expansion project. For over three years, Fox has endured phantasmagoric obstacles--frivolous lawsuits, self-appointed “community leaders” using the most vile methods to frustrate the approval process, and a city government that is insensitive and out of touch with the reality of today’s business climate. All have combined to make the expansion project more costly and time consuming than ever imagined.

The no-growth movement has become the liberal cause of the privileged and elite. There is no concern for lost jobs, lost business and lost tax revenue. The only concern for the privileged and elite is “Not in My Back Yard.”

Certainly, traffic is a consideration, and Fox has made commitments to reduce traffic. However, in a city of Dickensian extremes, to lose a major employer and a generator of wealth would not only be a major loss for Los Angeles, but also a major loss to the future of all its citizens.



Cheviot Hills
