
PLATFORM : Prophets of Division

<i> HAL LINDEN, who starred in TV's "Barney Miller" and will star in the new series "Jack's Place," commented on racist comments by public figures, including Cincinnati Reds owner Marge Schott. He told The Times:</i>

Do we need a “United” States? We could split up, like Czechoslovakia. How about one black state, one Baptist, one Jewish, even one American Indian (how’s that for irony?). No? Well, if we agree that it’s in our best interests to remain one nation, indivisible, it behooves us to figure out how best to keep it that way.

The fact is, for a multicultural society to flourish, each segment of that society must have the perception that it is part of the whole, for better or worse, that its interests are at least being considered. It doesn’t take a genius to know that this is not true today.

Well, what do we do about it? No easy answers here. If we’re lucky, we’ve got the next century to try to figure it out. But one thing is clear. We’ve got to turn our backs on the prophets of division. We’ve got to say no to the Louis Farrakhans, to the David Dukes, to the Al Sharptons, to the Pat Buchanans and to the Marge Schotts. Like the company, Marge?
