
Latino Label

I am writing in regard to the (Nov. 11) article “Chamber Picks Latino as Its New President” by Chris Kraul. My first reaction was that I failed to see any relevance in the fact that the new president, Partide, is “Latino.” I curiously read through the article, and I must say that I was pleased to find that the fact that he is Latino was not being used as a label on him, but rather as a symbol--a symbol that the chamber was focusing on the importance of “unifying the ethnically diverse 5,500 businesses in San Diego.”

As a student at UC San Diego, I have recently been involved in a course where we have focused on the importance of not labeling.

I was glad to see that the article’s purpose was not to point out an irregularity, but rather to point out the need for such representation.


I am new to the area, so I have no real opinion on the choice as chamber president. But it seems as though a young, well-qualified person has been chosen.


La Jolla
