
Who’s to Blame? Look in Mirror

Here we go again! The city known as “Cote de Fraud” is rocked by more thefts of millions of taxpayers’ hard-earned dollars. We’re skinned again.

How can this happen to a nice city like Newport Beach? Where does the blame lie?

For the answer, look in a mirror!

We, the residents of Newport Beach, are supposed to have control, through our elected representatives, over any incompetents or thieves who may inhabit the bureaucracies that run our city and schools.

The men and women we elect to the City Council and the school board are supposed to be the watchdogs of our taxes and provide the leadership and oversight for honest government and education.


We--the residents and voters of Newport Beach--have failed.

Ask ourselves: “Did the candidates we so mindlessly voted for seek the job because they had a burning desire to help solve the city’s many problems or upgrade the school system?” Or did they eagerly seek a seat on the council or the school board to satisfy a personal ego trip, an inner hunger for status and power, or to use this office as a steppingstone to a higher position?

As a result of our lack of interest in government or education, we, the majority of voters, have chosen as our representatives men and women who docilely accept the statements of the hired administrative staff without comment or question--except to say, “Yes. Yes, Yes.”

If you doubt this, just attend a meeting of the Newport Beach City Council or Newport-Mesa school board.


The members of both bodies could be replaced by a tape recorder at a big savings in taxpayer dollars. Just program it to say, “Yes.”

Better yet, this type of elected official should be replaced by competent, alert, inquiring citizens who have the interest of the taxpayers and the schools at heart. And the sooner the better. We should not have to wait for an election.

One last comment: The members of any school board are called trustees . Before you vote for anyone to fill a position of trustee, ask yourself if you would want him or her to be a trustee and overseer of your own personal assets.



Newport Beach
