
Gulf War Veterans

Your article on the debate over the illnesses of Gulf War veterans (Thursday, Sept. 17) really struck home. My husband, Brett Doggett, stepped on a land mine in Kuwait while serving in the U.S. Marine Corps during Operation Desert Storm. I have devoted the entire past year to helping him in his struggle to receive the appropriate benefits due him with the Veterans Administration. No one from the military or the current Administration has ever contacted us regarding the potential medical problems that he may experience as a result of significant exposure to burning petrochemicals.

Recently, at the suggestion of one of his counselors at the Long Beach V.A. Hospital, Brett filed a claim for a skin rash which we believe to be a direct result of the oil exposure. He was advised by the benefits counselor to expect a seven-month wait. We have contacted our congressman, who has been extremely helpful, and we hope that other veterans who are experiencing similar difficulties will come forward. Not much has changed since Vietnam!


