
THOUSAND OAKS : Official to Defend Civic Center Project

Thousand Oaks City Manager Grant Brimhall is expected to answer a critic of the city’s multimillion-dollar redevelopment program at tonight’s meeting of a citizens group.

The Citizens Q of L Action Alliance, founded by City Councilwoman Elois Zeanah, will meet at 7:30 p.m. at the Newbury Park Library on Borchard Road.

Brimhall’s talk follows a July 22 appearance before the alliance by Robert Murray, who said the city has used the state redevelopment act to skirt restrictions on the use of property taxes. Under the redevelopment act, Murray said, the city was able to sell bonds for the $62.8-million Jungleland civic center project without voter approval.


The Jungleland project sits in the city’s major redevelopment district. The city is allowed to earmark a portion of the property taxes from such districts for specified redevelopment projects. Murray said those property taxes would otherwise be divided among city, county, school and other public agencies.
