
Holly Wisneski has been appointed corporate/foundation development...

Holly Wisneski has been appointed corporate/foundation development officer at the Laguna Art Museum and will solicit underwriting for seven exhibitions celebrating the museum’s 75th anniversary next year. Last fall, as a fund-raiser for the Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies at UC San Diego, she secured corporate underwriting for the visit to San Diego by Mexico President Carlos Salinas de Gortari. From 1989 to 1991, she was associate director of development at the Institute of the Americas, a private, nonprofit organization on the UC San Diego campus. Wisneski, who lives in El Toro, earned her bachelor’s degree in 1985 in political science from San Diego State University.

Gail Simmonds has been appointed development assistant at the museum. A recent graduate in art history from UC Irvine and a former intern in the museum’s curatorial department, she replaces Nancy Hartman, who has resigned.
