

Evelyn Lindsey of Syracuse, N.Y., was pleased when Housing and Urban Development Secretary Jack Kemp praised her in his prime-time convention address Tuesday. Kemp recalled his visit last year to the home that Lindsey had just purchased. “After years in public housing and on welfare, thanks to this Administration’s public-private partnerships, she finally became a homeowner,” declared Kemp. On Wednesday, however, Democratic Party officials released a letter from Lindsey that cited two key errors in Kemp’s account: The program that helped her buy her home is operated by the city and receives no federal funding, and Lindsey has been employed since 1972 and receives no welfare benefits.

We Really Love You Guys

Verbatim exchange between White House Press Secretary Marlin Fitzwater and a member of the working press:

Q: Has the press been unfair?

Fitzwater: No, the press is doing a great job. I love the press.

Q: No, has the press been unfair to the President?

Fitzwater: You’re just doing great! This man right here is the fairest reporter I have ever run into in my life!


Q: Tell my boss. Has the press been unfair to the President?

Fitzwater: The press is doing a great job.

Q: Thank you, Marlin.

The Big Blowout

Determined to top the concluding stage show at last month’s Democratic coronation, the Republicans plan to close the convention here with a colossal bang. After President Bush’s acceptance address Thursday night, delegates and television viewers will be treated to an indoor fireworks display featuring 44 fountains spraying sparks into the air and 50 balloons connected to “air burst” fireworks that will explode in showers of silver as they descend from the ceiling. But what about fire? Not to worry. During a trial run, Houston Fire Inspector Don Schroeder inserted his hand into a stream of sparks emitted by one of three kinds of fireworks being tested. Several seconds later, he said approvingly that he “didn’t feel any heat.”
