
GOP Leaders List High-Ranking Women

What do Marian Bergeson, Doris Allen, Jo Ellen Allen, Mary Mays-McCaughey, Deborah Gibson, Emily Sanford, Alexis Pringle, Debra S. Jones, Joy L. Neugebauer, Cathy Sullivan, Rose H. Anderson, Debra Allen, Dorothy H. Hughes, Lynn S. Turner, Mary Ellen Park, Marcia Gilchrist, Kathy Dittner, Dorothy Marie Allen, Norma Bastanchury, Barbara J. Marr, Marilyn A. Sutton, Mary Curtius, June Cerruto, Karen K. Irvine and Alice A. Anderson have in common?

They are all Orange County Republican women who, at the June primary, either won the Republican nomination for the Legislature or were elected to the Orange County Republican Central Committee.

In addition, Patricia C. Bates easily carried the Orange County portion of her Assembly district but lost in San Diego County. And Tom Fuentes’ predecessor as party chairman was Lois Lundberg.


So much for the myth that Orange County Republicans are anti-women.

DANA W. REED, Newport Beach
