
Abortion Issue Is Fundamental

Tim Rutten’s article “Abortion Issue Could Distort Boxer-Herschensohn Race” (June 11) demands a response. According to Rutten, by making the abortion issue the only issue, we are denying ourselves a discussion of the other key issues upon which this election should turn.

I am here to categorically challenge this thesis. The abortion issue is not a simple, single issue revolving around the rights of the fetus vs. the rights of the pregnant woman.

The abortion issue is about a fundamental attitude regarding the direction this nation is going or will go. Pro-lifers tend to be religious zealots who want a religious morality to be the governing force to control our behavior. They want to change the fundamental nature of this free society into their own image.


The battle is joined at the important elements of rights to do as one wishes or be controlled by a vocal minority with a distinct and separate interest. If the pro-choice forces lose this battle, the next one will be over some other activity that the religious right wants to control.

Only those who oppose choice want to make light of this issue, because they know that pro-life people are in the minority. But it is too important an issue to worry about anything else. If our freedom is taken, all else is lost.


Redondo Beach
