
Crimes Reported to the LAPD

The number of reported crimes by precinct from Jan. 1 through March 31.

Bold numbers = 1992 (with *) Plain numbers = 1991 CENTRAL BUREAU

Aggravated Homicide Rape Robbery Assault Central 4* 6 17* 19 647* 596 374* 386 Hollenbeck 12* 13 7* 10 392* 272 513* 471 Newton 21* 13 25* 18 617* 549 669* 633 Northeast 11* 7 15* 8 444* 373 513* 455 Rampart 24* 25 50* 30 1037* 955 1062* 974


Aggravated Homicide Rape Robbery Assault Harbor 7* 10 15* 11 287* 278 470* 499 Southwest 19* 18 31* 34 661* 682 718* 618 77th 30* 26 53* 34 920* 920 1081* 1007 Southeast 30* 18 44* 36 685* 598 1064* 916


Aggravated Homicide Rape Robbery Assault Hollywood 10* 9 34* 39 634* 654 581* 579 Pacific 6* 6 36* 15 424* 345 336* 369 West L.A. 3* 1 13* 11 353* 257 215* 160 Wilshire 13* 16 34* 36 1059* 982 765* 593



Aggravated Homicide Rape Robbery Assault Devonshire 5* 4 18* 13 402* 213 376* 345 Foothill 10* 13 25* 22 359* 249 614* 554 N. Hollywood 7* 10 15* 10 376* 299 467* 462 Van Nuys 7* 7 35* 40 408* 397 644* 561 West Valley 5* 4 21* 23 385* 294 459* 435 Total 224* 206 488* 409 10,090* 8,913 10,921* 10,017
