
Public Schools Try to Cope With Inadequate Funding

As a parent in the Capistrano Unified School District, it has come to my attention that the district will be facing further cutbacks during the 1992-93 school year due to continued cutting of educational funding by our state government.

Of more than 1,000 school districts within the state, CUSD receives one of the lowest levels of funding.

CUSD is attempting to brace teachers and parents for yet more cutbacks. Classroom sizes will increase, while the number of administrators and teachers will decrease. Administrative services will be reduced, and sports activities eliminated. Custodial services, library needs, reading programs, computer programs, aides and music programs will be curtailed or eliminated.


Are the educational needs of students living within the boundaries of CUSD any less important than those of any other student within the state of California? How can this district be expected to meet the needs of students attending already overcrowded schools?

JEANNE PALLOS, Laguna Niguel
