
Five Acres Center Gets $150,000 Donation

The Weingart Foundation of Los Angeles has given $150,000 to Five Acres, the Altadena-based treatment center for abused and neglected children, for its new school and developmental learning center.

The $3.75-million expansion project, to be dedicated May 31, allows Five Acres to add 12 students to its school program and 20 children to its residential facilities. So far, $3.1 million has been raised for the project, the first expansion program for the 104-year-old treatment center since its existing campus was built in 1926.

In addition, the general fund has received $10,000 from the J.W. and Ida May Jameson Foundation of Sierra Madre and $5,000 from American Express. A $2,500 grant from the Junior League of Pasadena will go for new playground equipment.
