
Video Rental Chart : ‘Boyz’ Debuts at No. 2

“Thelma & Louise,” which has occupied the top spot of the Billboard magazine rental chart since early last month, is about to move to another neighborhood--thanks to the arrival of “Boyz N the Hood.” In the next week or two, “Thelma & Louise” should slip a notch to make way for John Singleton’s film, which entered the chart at No. 2. The ghetto family drama boomed at the box office to the tune of $57 million, but many who wanted to see it decided to wait until it arrived in video stores because of violence at some initial theatrical showings.

* In a sentimental drama making the same point as “Regarding Henry,” William Hurt plays “The Doctor,” who is humbled when he becomes a patient in his own hospital. It did well in theaters ($39 million) and is certain to be a Top 10 rental. It debuted at No. 38.

Rank Weeks Last on the Week Chart 1. “Thelma & Louise” 1 11 2. “Boyz N the Hood” ... 1 3. “The Rocketeer” 3 6 4. “Regarding Henry” 2 6 5. “Point Break” 4 9 6. “Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead” 5 5 7. “Dead Again” ... 1 8. “Hot Shots” 6 7 9. “Double Impact” 7 6 10. “Barton Fink” 13 3 * “The Doctor” ... 1
