
SAN DIEGO : No Bail for Slaying Suspect

One of two men charged with slaying an elderly couple in their Clairemont home three weeks ago was ordered held Tuesday without bail.

Randall Wall, 23, pleaded not guilty to the murder charges in the March 1 deaths of John Oren, 83, and his wife, Katherine Oren, 73, who were found by their 10-year-old great-grandson, who was hidden in another bedroom.

Wall was arrested with co-defendant John Rosenquist, 28, last week in San Francisco and was flown to San Diego Monday night. Rosenquist remains in custody in San Francisco because of a medical problem and will be returned later.


San Diego Municipal Judge Jay Bloom scheduled a May 20 preliminary hearing.

Wall and Rosenquist are also charged with burglary and robbery of the couple, who were beaten to death with a blunt object.
