
COUNTYWIDE : Unions Call for OK of Jail Construction

Nearly 150 construction union members packed the County Board of Supervisors chambers Tuesday to back their leader’s call for building of the planned county jail.

Bob Guillen, president of the Ventura County Building & Construction Trades Council, urged the supervisors to approve construction of the jail at the Todd Road site in Santa Paula.

As hard-hatted members of the county’s 13 building trade unions and local contractors listened, Guillen told the supervisors that the project would provide jobs for hundreds of union members who have been idled by the slowdown that the building industry has suffered during the recession.


Guillen reminded the supervisors that the jail project has been under consideration for more than four years, and that 25% to 30% of the county’s construction union members are out of work.

The supervisors heard the remarks without commenting, as they often do during the part of their weekly meeting devoted to comments from the public.

After the meeting, other union heads and contractors echoed Guillen’s plea.

“Millions of dollars have been spent on consultation, designs, the purchasing of property and it’s time a decision was made,” said Richard Bromser, business manager of Local 452 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. Bromser said the state has offered $31 million in grants to aid construction--money that is available only for a limited time.


The supervisors are scheduled on April 23 to discuss whether the Todd Road site needs further environmental study.
