
Roads in the Sepulveda Basin Cleared of Debris, Reopened


The metal gates that closed roads through the Sepulveda Basin were opened Tuesday afternoon after city workers cleared roadways of mud and debris and police decided that the area was, for the time being, safe from flooding.

The basin was closed to traffic Sunday during heavy rains, and police had said roads through the basin would be closed indefinitely in anticipation of more rain today.

But Los Angeles Police Sgt. Joseph Brazas said Tuesday that police have decided to open the basin at Burbank and Victory boulevards and Woodley Avenue until the threat of flooding returns.


The basin was turned into a lake by storms in February, stranding motorists who were rescued by city Fire Department helicopters.

Under the new warning system prompted by last month’s flooding, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ dam keeper advises police about the chances of flooding. Police then decide whether to evacuate the basin and close the gates. Brazas said the previous decision to keep the roads closed indefinitely was ill-advised because there was very little threat of rain Tuesday.

Anthony Turhollow, spokesman for the Corps of Engineers, said some agency officials believe there should be no roads at all through the basin because the area is designed to turn into an instant lake to prevent storm waters from flooding residential areas.
