

By Times staff writers

CALIFORNIA CONCERN--A Washington-based political operative is expected to be named this week to head the George Bush campaign in California, a move aimed at ensuring that Gov. Pete Wilson’s goals and problems do not sidetrack the President’s efforts. . . . Sources said Norm Cummings, the Republican National Committee chief of staff, is to direct Bush’s California campaign while Wilson remains as chairman. Bush aides were unwilling to hand the campaign over to Wilson, one official said, because “there’s been some unease about conflicting agendas.” Referring to Wilson’s suspected presidential aspirations, the source said: “What Wilson wants in 1996 is not necessarily consistent with (the goals of) Bush--and especially (Vice President Dan) Quayle--in 1992.” . . . Bush advisers were said to be concerned about Wilson’s tense relations with state conservatives. “Wilson and his guys will have a big role, but the California campaign is going to be run from Washington,” one source said.
