
Immigration Reform Is Fair

Congressman Elton Gallegly recently proposed legislation to prevent people from coming to our county illegally to have children to receive welfare and health benefits.

I am so glad that there is at least one elected official that is not afraid to break new ground. Taxpayers are tired of having almost one-third of their paychecks taken out (not to mention 8.25% on everyday purchases) to be spent as “endless pools of money”.

I have no problem with immigrants moving from this country. That is what made this country great. But because of the sheer numbers of people waiting to abuse our system, we must change our ways soon.


As a teacher in Miami, I saw the student population explode by at least 75,000 to 80,000 students a year from Cuba, Nicaragua, Columbia, etc. Now as a teacher in Los Angeles, I see the schools bogged down by hundreds of thousands of children from other countries.

Do the politicians have any idea how much money is spent on bilingual teachers for these children? I have seen extremely qualified teachers not get hired for a position because they could not speak another language.

I would love to see the results of a national poll asking Americans how they feel about the flow of immigrants (many of them illegal) into this country each year


The big politicians needed to enact legislation won’t have the guts to risk their political future, with the exception of maybe Congressman Gallegly.


