
COSTA MESA : City Offers Grants to Nonprofit Groups

Nonprofit organizations in the city may apply for grants to cover advertising and promotional costs of community-related activities.

Organizations applying for funds must be based in Costa Mesa and cannot have been funded through other city grant programs in the same fiscal year.

The organizations must be nonprofit corporations or unincorporated associations and must provide proof of that status. To qualify, the groups must hold activities that are beneficial to the city and its residents, enhance the image of the city, exhibit civic pride and serve a charitable, cultural or educational purpose.


Also, applicants must hold activities that have broad-based support and involvement from the community, encourage growth of tourism in the city, promote cultural events and projects, advertise city services and programs or promote community health and safety programs.

Applications are available from the city manager’s office, 77 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, 92626. The deadline is 5 p.m. March 16. For more information, call (714) 754-5327.
