
THOUSAND OAKS : Meeting Scheduled to Discuss Antenna

Cal Lutheran University officials have scheduled a meeting with community residents concerned about the school’s proposal to build a 150-foot-high radio antenna atop an undeveloped hillside on campus.

The university wants to build the antenna on Mountclef Ridge near the northwest corner of Mountclef Boulevard and Olsen Road.

Some residents have said they are opposed to the antenna because it will spoil the view of the hillside from their neighborhood and from heavily traveled Olsen Road. Residents have also raised concerns that the antenna may emit dangerous levels of radiation and interfere with cable TV reception.


The meeting will be open to all area residents concerned about the antenna, said Jean Sandlin, the school’s director of public information.

The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. March 25 at Samuelson Chapel on the school campus.

In addition, the Thousand Oaks Planning Commission has decided to postpone its public hearing on the proposed antenna, Sandlin said. The commission’s meeting, scheduled for March 23, has been rescheduled for March 30.

The postponement was made partly to allow more time for the public to review an environmental report on the proposal. The March 30 meeting will be devoted solely to consideration of the proposed antenna.
