
Creationism Unchallenged

In the Times Valley News section Jan. 18, an innocuous little announcement appeared that Dr. Robert Gentry, formerly of the prestigious Oak Ridge National Laboratory, would present his published evidence that the Earth “is young and was formed in less than three minutes.”

“Less than three minutes?” said I. Yes, less than three minutes. The announcement went on to say that local scientists were welcome at the meeting at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church to “challenge Gentry’s work in a public forum.”

“This I have to see,’ said I. All day I wondered intently, “Who will come to defend the truth?”


Well, Dr. Gentry methodically plowed through his evidence to a full house. At the end I had to score it Creationists 1, Evolutionists 0.

I knew that soon a brilliant bastion of banter would rise to the occasion. But no one stood to challenge Gentry.

No local scientist, no defender of the truth that the Earth is billions and billions of years old, even made a stab at it. How could this happen? How could L.A. allow this to happen right under our collective noses?

Can it be that Gentry is right after all? Why is the silence so deafening?


Thousand Oaks
