
PORT HUENEME : Oxnard Man Held After Store Break-In

A 21-year-old Oxnard man was caught with the help of a police dog early Tuesday after he allegedly broke into a Port Hueneme video store shortly before sunrise, police said.

Joseph Hidalgo was arrested on suspicion of smashing the front window of a Blockbuster Video store on Channel Islands Boulevard.

Police said Hidalgo tried to steal a television and a videocassette player, both of which were recovered.


A Port Hueneme patrolman spotted a man fleeing the video store at 5:07 a.m. and pursued him on foot before losing him in a residential neighborhood, police said. An Oxnard police dog led officers to Hidalgo, who police said was talked down from a rooftop onto which he had climbed. He was being held in Ventura County Jail Tuesday night.
