
Dismantling Yugoslavia

We congratulate you for your editorial stressing the urgent need for decisive action by the United States to challenge Serbian aggression against Croatia. Every day without a clear message from Washington rewards the aggressor with more time for its deadly land grab pitting the full might of the Serb-dominated Yugoslav army against poorly equipped Croats fighting for their own homes. Scores of civilians are killed daily, entire cities are leveled, priceless cultural monuments are destroyed or damaged (the city of Dubrovnik is just one example), churches, factories, bridges, refineries, the whole infrastructure is being systematically destroyed.

Meanwhile, Serbia is working to hang onto its ill-gotten gains by forcibly changing the demographics in the occupied territories, especially in Slovenia, the eastern part of Croatia, fertile and rich in natural resources. While tens of thousands of Croats, along with hapless minorities such as Czechs and Hungarians, flee in terror from army units and marauding bands of the infamous Serbian paramilitary Chetniks, Serbian families are bused in by the hundreds to repopulate the ethnically cleansed areas.

The international community, including gravely endangered dissident voices within Serbia, has repeatedly spoken out against the horror taking place in Yugoslavia and threatening to spill into neighboring areas. Only a resolute voice of strong moral authority can stand up to Serbia and once again negate the doctrine of “might makes right” in the world arena. The United States is still the only candidate for that voice.



