
Star Attractions: : <i> Look-through limo </i>

Starlight Limos, based in North County, charges $45 per hour for its customers to ride in style. Owner Phil Burdick thinks those stepping out for a night use limos “to really ignite an event, to make it more special.”

The majority of his customers are prom-goers, wedding couples, 21st-birthday party-goers, New Year’s Eve revelers, “any occasion on which they will be consuming gross amounts of alcohol,” Burdick said.

Sometimes limos are used for other purposes, too. Like the time Burdick was driving around a group of six college students. When Burdick noticed other cars on the freeway pacing his limo and looking in the windows, he looked to the back seat to see what was going on. His passengers had disrobed and were carrying on in what they thought was a dark limousine. When they realized the show they were giving to other motorists, the six scrambled for their clothing.


“Nobody found all their clothes, so I had to find the rest,” Burdick said.
