
Gun-Control Foe Lauds Armed Protection

I endorse all that Rebecca Schaeffer’s parents are doing to fight for gun control. For the second time in two years, I have been quickly released from jury duty when being screened for murder cases because of my strong belief that guns are too easily obtained.

Not brought out in this article, but as I recall a strong player in providing Rebecca’s murderer with her address, was the Department of Motor Vehicles, which at the time was selling addresses both to mailing houses and individually as requested. I believe, as a result of Rebecca’s death, there was legislation passed to stop the Department of Motor Vehicles from selling addresses.

Presently, small print on the bottom of DMV forms makes me fear they are creeping back into their old habits. They imply the mailing address is less restricted than the residence, so that if you are using the residence as a mailing address, you may want to change to a mailing address only. DMV should be monitored.



