
Blame Misplaced in Girl’s Mauling by Mountain Lion

Regarding the $2-million award for the mountain lion mauling of the El Toro girl: First, it is certainly unfortunate that this young girl and her family have gone through so much pain and trauma.

But $2 million for a natural event in a wilderness setting? Before long, we won’t be able to see scenic park beauty behind the warning signs blocking the view. And, even if there are warning signs, one could question whether they are big enough, say the correct things, are the right shape, are placed in the correct setting, and so forth. I wonder if a sign posted with “Being in a wilderness area may be hazardous to your health” would suffice?

Whatever happened to personal responsibility? If you want to live, you accept the many dangers surrounding us. After all, this is the real world--to live is to take chances. Since when is safety from nature guaranteed?


What’s more, it is astounding that we, a people so afraid to step outside our doors and so ready to rush to court when we step on a nail, have the audacity to complain about excessive lawyers making too much money in a clogged legal system.

