
OXNARD : Beach Development Proposal to Be Aired

A Redevelopment Agency hearing on a proposed $1-billion development at Ormond Beach is set for tonight at Oxnard City Hall.

To be discussed at the 7 p.m. meeting is a proposal by Baldwin Co., an Orange County developer, to build 4,000 housing units, a golf course, a shopping center and possibly a beachfront hotel at the ecologically sensitive area in southern Oxnard.

No decision will be made by the city for at least a year, Redevelopment Director Steve Kinney said.


Last year the developer dropped plans to build a 1,600-slip marina because of community opposition.

In the latest proposal, the company has offered to restore and maintain about 100 acres of wetlands in exchange for permission to develop part of the beach.

The Ormond proposal will also be discussed by the Oxnard City Council, meeting as the city redevelopment board, next week.


The hearing will be in the City Council chambers at 305 W. 3rd St.
