
San Rafael Bridge Reopens After $1.2 Million in Repairs

Pasadena’s 69-year-old San Rafael Bridge is open to traffic after about $1.2 million in repairs. The bridge, reopened May 13, is in the San Rafael neighborhood and spans the Arroyo Seco.

It was closed in September while workers hired by Western Waterproofing Co. of San Francisco replaced crumbling concrete.

Still pending is $8 million in earthquake safety work on San Rafael Bridge and four others: on Holly Street, La Loma Road and two on Oak Grove Drive.


The city is still looking for funding for the jobs, but officials say the bridges are not in danger of collapsing during a quake in the meantime.

Meanwhile, $27.3 million in earthquake safety work and rehabilitation continues on the city’s most famous bridge, the Colorado Street Bridge. Work is expected to be completed by 1993.
