
County Supervisors Are Asking Public for Blank Check on Jail

The editorial on the jail tax (“Cram Course Is Needed for Measure J,” March 17) misses a point that always seems to be missing in the articles concerning a new jail. Why do we need a new jail? The only information we get about jail overcrowding is what we hear from those who fill and run the jail: the sheriff and the judges.

If a new jail is built, more sheriff’s employees will be hired. In a system where many jobs are jobs for life, the best way to advance is to hire new employees in new positions, creating new management jobs.

Are we just seeing a sheriff and court system power play that will cost Orange County hundreds of millions of tax dollars?


And what about the idea of letting out all the people that are incarcerated for “victimless crimes” such as prostitution and possession of marijuana? Before throwing money at the “problem,” let’s take a closer look.

JEFFRY WINTERS, Capistrano Beach
