
VENTURA : Hearing Tonight on School Boundaries

The second in a series of public hearings on proposed school boundary changes in the Ventura Unified School District will be held tonight at Anacapa Middle School.

The hearings have been scheduled to give parents a chance to comment on a plan that would redraw boundaries in the 15,000-student district, changing where about 3,440 students go to school.

District officials have said the plan would allow more children to attend the same schools together through 12th grade, would cut busing and save money on transportation while maintaining racial balance in the district’s 23 schools.


But some of the 150 parents who attended a meeting last week at Balboa Middle School questioned whether the plan would work without the passage of a proposed bond measure to provide money for a new middle school to replace aging Cabrillo Middle School.

District officials acknowledged that whether the plan achieves its estimated savings of 420 miles per day for elementary and middle school students depends on the success of the bond measure, which the district is studying. The same mileage savings could not be achieved if Cabrillo is not replaced, they said. If the measure passes, it could take as long as five years for the new middle school to be built, officials said.

Tonight’s meeting at Anacapa Middle School, 100 S. Mills Road, begins at 7 p.m.
