
Raider Fans No Longer Bottle Up Complaints

We have been season-ticket holders since the Raiders came to Los Angeles. Every year at the exhibition games there seems to be absolute confusion among staff workers. One year you could go into the Coliseum before a game to use the restrooms and then be given a pass to return. The next year, without notification, you could no longer do that. There is inconsistency as to when the parking lots and gates open.

This past weekend was the last straw. Upon entering the game, our 8-year-old son was told by the ticket-taker that he could not take his Walkman radio into the stadium. The reason given us was that he could possibly record the game. Can you imagine an 8-year-old, or anyone, recording the game while sitting in the stands?

The ticket-taker than told my wife that she was not allowed to take a “sipper bottle” that contained mineral water into the stadium. (Mind you, the year before we received free sipper bottles at a game.) Rather than put the bottle into a paper bag to be picked up after the game, we threw it into the trash. My wife does not care for alcohol or soft drinks. They don’t sell mineral water, nor are there drinking fountains that we have seen. But 10 feet away, they were selling sipper bottles for $6.



