
Leftovers Big Enough at Big Bear

It rained through the weekend in the Big Bear Lake area, and while the storm kept the crowds down, it didn’t seem to affect the fishing.

Lin Crawford, who owns a bait and tackle shop at the lake, said he weighed in trout of 8.4, 7 1/2 and 4 1/2 pounds over the weekend.

Crawford said the fish were just some of several left over from the May Trout tournament, for which hundreds of trophy-sized trout were planted.


LAKE MEAD--Striped bass active in lower basin, biting mostly on anchovies. Top-water action best in Overton Arm. Catfish picking up, most weighing less than two pounds. Largemouth bass slow.

BULLHEAD CITY--Striped bass to six pounds biting in river. Anchovies and Sassy Shad lures working best. Glenn Sweeny, Mohave, 40-pound 12-ounce striper. Catfish biting in coves of Lake Mohave. Mackerel best bet. Largemouth bass hitting most artificials, best in shallows in mornings.

LAKE CACHUMA--Trout providing most action. Trollers using three-six colors. Shore fishermen doing best with nightcrawler-Power Bait combination at 30 to 40 feet off fishing pier. Red ear perch active at east end and near launch ramp. Nightcrawlers best bet. Crappie active at east end. Largemouth and smallmouth bass best at east end on spinners and Pig ‘N Jig lures. Catfish biting on mackerel at about 10 feet. Best at east end.


LAKE CASITAS--Most species active. Trout biting at 40 feet on standard baits. Some limits. Catfish active in shallows, taking anything with an odor. Red ear perch to one pound biting on nightcrawlers, mainly in Wadleigh Arm area. Largemouth bass most active near Arrow Island and Station Canyon. Crawfish in early morning best bet.

PYRAMID LAKE--Striped bass most active in channel. Anchovies and Pencil-Poppers both working. Jim Davis, Valencia, 14-pound catfish, caught on anchovies in channel. Mike Hunt, Newhall, 3 1/2-pound striper, taken from channel on anchovy.

LAKE PIRU--Largemouth bass averaging 1 1/2 to 2 pounds biting mostly near rocks and ledges. Crankbaits best bet. George Frias, Fillmore, eight-pound bass. Trout fair to good at dam at 20 feet. Several limits. Power Bait and nightcrawlers working best. Catfish averaging three to four pounds biting on mackerel, most active at northeast end of lake.


KERN RIVER/LAKE ISABELLA--Largemouth bass active in French Gulch off Rocky Point and Piney Point. Crank baits and plastic worms at four to 15 feet. Water 70-72 degrees. Jerry Corlew, Kern, 7 1/2-pound bass. Trout best at main dam on west side. Power bait, salmon eggs and marshmallows all working. Crappie active near main dam in coves and near trees. Catfish slow.

IRVINE LAKE--Large trout still active, with several weighing more than six pounds. West Shore and Sierra Cove productive areas. Crappie biting near boat docks and bass picking up, especially since night fishing started last weekend.

PUDDINGSTONE RESERVOIR--A few openings remain for the first night of the team bass tournament June 30. Information: (714) 599-8411. Trout plant scheduled this week at launch ramp, but generally will scatter all over lake. Cheese Power Bait best bet. Red ear perch and bluegill active, up to a pound. Small mealworms or garden worms working best, throughout lake. Largemouth bass slow. Water temperature 72 degrees. Catfish hitting at north shore, with Cracker Barrel cheese, cut mackerel and frozen shrimp.

BIG BEAR--Rain throughout the weekend cut the crowd down. Bait fishermen near dam or north side to Gray’s Landing and Windy Point. Best area in south is Fisher Cove with Power Bait. Boaters mostly trolling Rapalas and needlefish lures, near Observatory and west end from Metcalf Bay to Boulder Bay. Trout weighing 8.4, 7 1/2 and 4 1/2 pounds caught over the weekend, Left over from May Trout tournament. Largemouth bass moving into shallows to spawn. Crappie very active in most coves. Jerry Gendreau, Big Bear, 10 catfish, 34 pounds, caught off weeds in east end.

BISHOP AREA--Crowley Lake: Fishing slow during weekend, picking up Monday, with some rainbows topping three pounds. Trolling needlefish lures and bait fishing with worms or nightcrawlers working best. Pleasant Valley Reservoir: Water warm in the gorge, fishing slow. At higher elevations, Sabrina, North and South lakes are producing several limits. Power Bait, nightcrawlers and mosquito flies working in early mornings and late evenings. Bubble-and-fly rig working best at North. Stream fishing good throughout area. Owens River most productive in evenings, with flyfishermen doing best.

MAMMOTH LAKES--Twin Lakes producing rainbows and some browns. Bubble-and-fly rigs and small Rapalas working best. Mary, Mamie and George lakes stocked with two- to three-pound brood fish last week. Nightcrawlers, Power Bait or silver and gold Kastmaster lures getting best results.


JUNE LAKE LOOP--June Lake fair, with trout to four pounds hitting mostly small lures. Gull Lake most productive for flyfishermen in evenings, Matuka or Hornberg patterns working best. Rush Creek best for fishermen using small spinners, worms or salmon eggs.

BRIDGEPORT--Winds during weekend slowed fishing at Bridgeport Reservoir, but some fish to 4 1/2 pounds taken. Upper Twin Lake good from shore for two- to three-pound rainbows. Lower Twin Lake producing Kokanee salmon to 10 inches. West Walker River yielding four-pound trout taken by fishermen just off U.S. 395. East Walker River proving excellent for flyfishermen.
