
City to Observe Peace Day May 20

Fillmore will celebrate May 20 as “Peace Day,” along with at least 35 other California cities.

Last year, Gov. George Deukmejian declared the third Sunday in May as Peace Day, in support of a resolution passed by the state Legislature. The document was a collaboration between Assemblyman John Vasconcellos (D-San Jose) and the Peace Day Project in Santa Cruz, where Peace Day has been celebrated since 1985.

Andrew Carman, a director of the Peace Day Project, said Peace Day was inspired by a production of the musical play “Peace Child” by David Woolcombe, which envisions a time in the future when Peace Day is celebrated internationally as “the day when peace broke out throughout the world.”


Fillmore joins 35 other California cities in proclaiming Peace Day, Carman said. The Peace Day Project has contacted 456 mayors throughout California inviting them to make Peace Day a state-wide event, Carman said.

The city has no plans to celebrate the day with organized festivities.
