
Schabarum Urges Study on Swimming Health Risk

Los Angeles County Supervisor Pete Schabarum Tuesday called for a study on the possible health risks of swimming in the ocean after a rainstorm, but also slammed Mayor Tom Bradley for attempting to shift attention away from “his unconscionable handling of the city’s sewage problem.”

Bradley has asked the county to post signs at the beaches warning of the possible dangers of swimming after a storm. His request came after 18 miles of coastline was closed a week ago when the city let partially treated sewage flow into Santa Monica Bay.

“The Department of Health Services tells me that available epidemiological evidence indicates that swimming in sewage-polluted waters poses a health risk,” Schabarum said, “but there is no evidence that suggests similar risks for swimming in ocean water after rainstorms.” Nonetheless, Schabarum said he would push for a study.


Bradley spokesman William Chandler, in a later interview, said that the treated sewage is less of a pollution problem than the storm drain runoff.
