

An otherwise excellent report by Jack Jones looking into our future was seriously marred by his choice to speak for business: John F. Welch Jr., the chief executive officer of General Electric Co., a company that is the subject of a national boycott largely because of its disrespect for our environment.

Reports of pollution caused by the General Electric Co. have ranged from poisoning the Hudson River and releasing huge amounts of radioactive material in the state of Washington to releasing Freon into our air.

And now GE has begun a push to get us to accept a new generation of nuclear power plants, when the problem of how to safely store their radioactive wastes remains unsolved. But more important, a new round of nuclear power plants would divert our human and financial resources from developing non-polluting renewable energy sources (solar, wind, et cetera) and distract us from focusing on conservation, both of which make nuclear power unnecessary.


EARL BUDIN, Los Angeles
