
Controversial Contract for Ex-RTD Director Canceled

The controversial $99,500 consulting contract that had been used to hire former Rapid Transit District board member Jan Hall as a district lobbyist was canceled Thursday by the board.

The 10-1 vote terminated the contract negotiated in January by RTD Executive Director Alan F. Pegg with CBC, a South Bay consulting firm. The firm had hired Hall immediately after the contract was signed. She left the board to take the lobbyist’s job.

Pegg’s unusual move, which RTD lawyers said was legal, sidestepped the district’s revolving-door policy preventing directors from going to work for the district for a year after their term expires or they resign. The contract drew a storm of protest when news of it became public.


After canceling the contract, the board adopted a more specific policy prohibiting hiring an ex-director directly or through a second-party contract.
