
Youth Fitness

I read with interest your article “State Students Make Weak Showing in First Fitness Test” (Part A, Nov. 15) concerning the physical performance of California schoolchildren. The Department of Education is to be commended for providing a preview of what may be a very alarming picture of our children’s comprehensive physical health status.

The department’s tests are instructive on physical performance of our schoolchildren, but a more complete evaluation of health and fitness must be undertaken. Recent studies in selected school districts show that risk factors such as obesity, poor nutrition and smoking are more evident in today’s children. Since these factors are higher today, our children have a greater chance of early cardiovascular disease.

Your readers may be interested in knowing about my legislation, AB 293, which establishes state guidelines on physical health and fitness. These guidelines will be developed through a comprehensive, physical health assessment program conducted by the California State University and the University of California medical schools. Upon completion, the guidelines will be distributed to the Department of Education for curriculum development and teacher training. The state guidelines will show our commitment to the growth of our children’s minds as well as the health of their bodies.




