
FULLERTON : 4 Santa Mailboxes Will Be Installed

Four special-delivery mailboxes will be set up throughout the city this week for letters destined for Santa Claus.

Elves doubling as Fullerton community-service workers will make certain that letters dropped off with a self-addressed stamped envelope receive a personal reply from Santa.

The white metal mailboxes will be in place from Friday to Dec. 22 in the lobby of City Hall at 303 W. Commonwealth Ave., next door at the main library, the Hunt Branch Library at 201 S. Basque Ave., and Independence Park at 801 W. Valencia Drive.


Special Santa-letter forms, available at the mailboxes, may be used to make writing the letter easier.

This is the first year the city has set up mailboxes for Santa Claus, spokeswoman Sylvia Palmer Mudrick said.
