
SOUTH COUNTY : Board Orders Study on Future Services

The County Board of Supervisors Tuesday ordered the preparation of a long-range plan on how county government will provide services in the future to South County residents.

In light of the rapid growth in the South County, Supervisor Gaddi H. Vasquez said Tuesday, there is a need to begin deciding immediately how government will deliver critical services there.

Plans for various facilities are being discussed, including a new, expanded south court and sheriff’s substation and a larger social services office in Laguna Niguel.


Supervisor Thomas F. Riley and Vasquez, whose districts cover the South County, said in a letter to the board that the county in the last two years has tried unsuccessfully to find space for the Public Defender and Probation Department.

The county administrative office, General Services and the Environmental Management Agency were told to prepare the plan and return it to the board in 120 days.

The board said it should include:

* An assessment of future needs for services based on population projections and demographics for the South County.


* An assessment of the type, size and location of government facilities needed in South County.

* A study of available resources and funding methods, including land swaps, lease-back arrangements and development agreements with builders.
